The Church of the Universal Solvent is a non-prophet disorganization devoted to the realization of whatever. All members may be popes if they so desire, although some popes may not necessarily be members. The only qualification for membership is that you glow in the dark. You may not be able to see this for yourself, so don't worry about it.You're here.You're a pope. Big deal.

C.U.S. does not offer any fixed system of belief. If yours is broken, fix it yourself. We do however recognize, as a guide for everyday moral conduct, the Three Suggestions:

First ask, "is there need?"
Leave some for the next guy (individual,entity, being, ah, you know)
Never kill a stranger.
If you don't agree with this, Orny the Astral Toad
would like to kiss you

One of the ways in which C.U.S. differs from most churches is that we recognize Living Saints . Our list is far too long for this measly cheap page, but a few names can be mentioned:
Anne McCaffrey Mr. Rogers Oberon Zell
Norb ScHRoeder Ann Stacy Horbie Adorable
Jane Goodall Audray Wiesen somebodywhosenameicantremember
Paul Lutus Summer The Anonymous Snow Shoveler
Gwen Tremble Marek Jedlinski Someone I haven't met yet
Iris Dement
oh heck there's a million more at least. Feel free to name any you considerworthy. If there are any in your neighborhood, do something nice for them. It may be the only way you'll get to be one. Sorry, can't name yourself. If you were a saint, you wouldn't know it anyway.

