Help for the Perplexed

This was written for my "Garden of the Black Unicorn" site, and I thought it was good enough to share a bit more. :)

Downloading and saving images

Right-click on an image
You should see "Save Image As" in the menu that pops up. Where it is in the menu depends on which browser you are using.
Click (left mouse button) on Save Image As
Choose the folder to save it in.

Annabella's HTML Help graphics page is a good reference for saving and using web graphics.

Downloading other files

This can be more confusing, since different browsers will give you different menus and dialogs. Simply left-clicking on the link should bring up a dialog window in which you can browse for a folder to save in. Or you may right-click, and look for "Save Link As".

If you have a lot of trouble getting files downloaded because your connection is often cut off, or it is very slow, you may want to get a download manager - a separate program just for downloading, which can be set to take over the job when you click on a download link in your browser. Once you have it downloaded and installed, you will be able to download most files faster, and if your connection is cut off, the download can be resumed later - you won't have to start over at the beginning.

I recommend Star Downloader. It is freeware, and very efficient and simple to use. It will integrate with Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, Mozilla, and K-Meleon (a fast, plain, free browser).

There are a lot of downloaders that are "spyware", especially those designed for finding and downloading MP3s.

About Direct Linking

If you are building your own website, please do not place links on your pages to graphics at another site. This is much worse than "stealing" them, because you are also taking away some of that site's ability to serve others. You may also lose the use of the picture with no warning if it is removed from the other site, or renamed (this may be done to stop direct-linking).

Worse yet, if your link-abuse contributes to the closing down of the site - whether temporarily or permanently - by causing an overload on its resources, then it is gone for everyone. The web belongs to all of us, so please care when you share.

It takes a little longer to upload graphics, but it is worth it.

Background Images

Some browsers give you the option of saving background images when you right-click on the background of a page, others don't. One sure way to get the back is to use the browser's "File\Save As" menu, and save as "Web Page, Complete". This will give you the whole thing, yucky ad-banners and all! This also works on pages that do not allow right-clicking. Some people think that not allowing right-clicks will keep others from ripping them off, but obviously this is not true. I think it is rude because it removes many handy browser options, such as "Open In Background" from the context menu.

Legal Stuff

What you do with images that you have collected is your problem. If you are using copyrighted material without permission, you CAN get in trouble. The internet is a public place. If you steal a hat and wear it on a streetcorner, the shop owner is likely to see you. Same on the web. Here it is a little harder to throw people in jail, but how would you like to have your name listed on who-knows-how-many websites as Mr. Stupid Pig? Could happen.

My best advice - if it's free, take it, but don't take credit for it. Keep track of where you get things, and make a page of links to those sites. Saying "Thank you" never killed anybody.

If it's NOT free, look elsewhere. It's a big world, you haven't seen it all yet.

"Act like a human being, and you'll be less likely to be mistaken for something else"
- Reality Harper

More Help

Marilee's Webpage Construction Links - this site has links to a lot of very friendly help. Last I looked, a few weren't working, but there are plenty to choose from.


The Thang and I
The Cynister Empyre
This one goes out to the proggies I love
The Victory Garden
The Number One Cause of Death
Ankle Surfers
A Patriotic Message
The Church of the Universal Solvent
A Field Guide to the Dragons of Door County
Arual's lil tips 'n' tricks Part One - arts and orts
Part Two - the old shell game
FREE STUFF, whoop-de-toot
Help for the Perplexed - yes, I'll tell you how to steal my stuff!

"Offsite" Pages:

The Land of Fractalia
The Land of Fractalia

One small but colorful point on the Infinite Fractal Loop
PICTURES - photos, art
Sidewalks of Sturgeon Bay- the real antiques
My Raccoon Story
A Gallery of Dragons
Crazy men on my roof


How to build a KILLER website - Arual's guide to HBML (Hyper Bloat Muckup Lingo)
Arual's lil glossary
YUCK!This is an official DESPISE AND LOATHE AOL site