Wolf Words

The Method Behind The Idiocy
Wolves In Wordy Clothing

Y’all know that Old Fat Donald is widely kbown and critizized for his rambling, incoherent rants.

He has said that he weaves everything together, and that it’s all a wonderful product of his genius mind. While it seems to me more felting than weaving, it becomes obvious when you examine the technique with an open mind, that IT HAS PURPOSE.

An intelligent non-cultist listener will, of course, be baffled, trying to make sense of it in a normal way.

That is part of the purpose.

His cult following, to whom he is speaking, don’t care what he says or how he says it. Their ears are being happily hammered with repeated buzzwords, catchphrases, familiar warm-fuzzyings. What they take away is reinforcement of their beLIEfs.

Meanwhile, the puzzled ones who expect a speaker to make sense are doing just what he wants too! They criticize him. They PICK ON HIM! They reinforce the wahh wahhh martyr image. The cultists lick that up.

Remember, this is a narcissist with many years of experience in manipulating people.

He’s never done a day’s work, has never done anything honest, has never been a great businessman. His books were ghost-written. His whole life has been one long faking-it. He just has the ability to throw other people out on the front line to do the dirty work, and throw them away when it is convenient.

He has a talent for setting people against one another. Dividing them, like a wolf pack cutting their victims from a herd.

no shit