Glossary Of Terms
A word(sic) avoided by those who prefer to use such hackneyed, unimaginative, and derogatory terms as “crazy,” “lunatic,” or “disordered”– the latter being a particular favorite of MHPs, who are arguably the most unimaginative people on earth.
Violence inflicted on the mind and body in the interest of psychiatric “treatment.” It usually occurs in the wake of force. (See FORCE)
Consumer/Survivor/Ex-Patient; a progressive term, in that one begins with the illusion of being a “consumer,” is subjected to one or more of the horrors of psychiatric/therapeutic abuse and becomes a “survivor” (if he’s lucky), and quickly realizes that the best way in which to extend his survival and avoid a repetition of the nightmare is to remain permanently an “EX-Patient.”
Electro-Convulsive Therapy, a.k.a. “Shock Treatment.” Once recognized as the barbaric and destructive practice it is, ECT is making a comeback in the “treatment” of depression; Despite the blandly-worded reassurances from the psychiatric establishment, the ECT survivors’ movement continues to gather testimony and evidence from those who have suffered brain damage in the form of permanent memory loss and intellectual dysfunction as a result of ECT.
In theory, a moral philosophy– in practice, an MHP’s justification for any action he chooses to take. Frequently offered up as a talismanic term that supposedly signifies the MHP’s professionalism and dedication to the concerns of his patient– as actually applied, it would be more accurately interpreted as “sacrifice the patient and protect yourself at all costs.”
A favored practice of MHPs. As well as satisfying their need to have absolute and unlimited control of others, the ever-ready availability of force gives them no incentive to courageously muster both digits of their IQs and look for a decent alternative. To whatever extent they are capable, they would be well advised to ponder the meaning of William James’ comment “An act has no ethical quality whatever unless it be chosen out of several all equally possible.” (“The Ethics of Psychology” — 1892)
The proper description of anyone who is currently being seen by an MHP. Regrettably, the full realization of this hostage-status rarely occurs until one suddenly finds himself struggling to survive an iatrogenic trauma. Be advised: these people can and do take prisoners– on whatever whim they choose– and submit their victims to unspeakable experiences.
Induced in a patient by a physician’s words or actions. Literally, physician-generated. (From the Greek: iatros=physician + genic=generation.) Detailed definition is provided due to a word-related learning-disability common to most MHPs– few seem capable of grasping the meaning of “iatrogenic,” particularly when a situation necessitates appending to it the word “damage,” “trauma,” “destruction,” or “death.” This occurs all too often.
An unconstitutional and horrifyingly abused legal process by which– in the absence of any destructive activity, and on nothing more than the word of a single MHP– a c/s/x can be stripped of his civil rights and imprisoned in a psychiatric facility, with no form of recourse whatsoever, in most states for a period of up to 72 hours. A terrifying and destructive ordeal whose only positive effect is to inspire activism against the legal power of a system that so blatantly tramples the 14th Amendment guarantee of “equal protection under the law.”
A long-overdue correction of the misnomer “Mental Health System.”
“Mental Health Professional”; a politically-correct way of saying “someone whose own problems were so disturbing that they could only be sublimated through the acquisition of an eminently-sane title and the power to control the lives of others”; rapidly coming to be viewed as an oxymoron.
The self-designated (and questionably named) “National Alliance for the Mentally Ill” energetically lobbies to further strip away the rights, options, and alternatives of the c/s/x. Unyielding in its opposition to the right of self-determination, NAMI’s heavy-handed, smothering, paternalistic, “we-know-best” approach works hand-in-hand with the psychiatric establishment to promote force, threatment, and biolence– all, of course, for the greater good. Recognized by the c/s/x movement as a negative and destructive element, made all the more so by its claim to work in the interests of the c/s/x.
Also known as “Anti-Psychotics”– better-known to those for whom they are prescribed as “The Chemical Lobotomy.” The “wonder drugs” of psychiatry, liberally used to “control” behavior through mental sedation and deadening– referred to by MHPs as “psychomotor retardation.” (A condition they apparently consider desirable.) Side effects include despair, nightmares, poor concentration, lethargy, drowsiness, and emotional flatness. Long term use can and does lead to the disabling and degenerative condition known as Tardive Dyskinesia. The Mental Death System at its best.
Sane; also known as Reality-Confined, Lucidity-Burdened, Tedium-Advantaged, Monotony-Gifted, Disorder-Deficient, Overly-Sound, Mystically-Impaired, Mentally-Unenhanced, and Creatively-Unactualized.
Technically, the medical study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illness; practically, the only branch of medicine granted the legal power to practice fraudulent “therapies,” create and/or exacerbate an illness in a patient, misdiagnose without fear of legal retaliation, chemically experiment upon a patient without the patient’s approval, shock, drug, imprison, and– should they consider it to be in their own best interests– destroy at will.
From the Greek, meaning “mind-service” (psyche=mind +therapeia= service); therapy, by definition, is “a healing power or quality.” This concept needs to be reviewed by its practitioners, who seem to have badly missed the point.
A disabling disease resulting from brain damage created by the use of neuroleptic drugs; causes uncontrollable twitches, spasms, writhing movements, and other abnormal physical responses. as well as a progressively lessening ability to carry out voluntary actions. There is no known treatment, and most cases are permanent. As this is an iatrogenic disease, it is often ignored or misdiagnosed and the causative medication is continued. Despite the determination of the psychiatric establishment to suppress and minimize the risks inherent to taking neuroleptic drugs, a 1980 report by the the American Psychiatric Association suggested that half or more of all long-term drug recipients would succumb to tardive dyskinesia. There is growing concern that a more accurate figure would be close to 100%.
Although his assault is usually on the mind rather than the body, the same term is applicable, so be forewarned; simply divide the word in two, following the first three letters, and then come to your own conclusions.
“Treatment” inflicted under the threat of force; an all-too-common practice.
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